
I Love That Dirty Water

Raaaar! Last night was absolutely amazing. Amazing. Thanks to my wonderful friends Ju and Carri (and of course Claudio) I went sailing. One of my favorite things about sailing is how quiet it is. No motors or splashing water. Just the sound of the boat skimming over the water, the wind in your face, and the other 7 people riding with you.

We went out to watch the moon rise. By 8:30 we were a little antsy so we started texting google to find out when the moon would rise. No luck, but the texting google thing is really cool. You should try it.

It was the perfect time of night. It's that point where the sun has gone down but there is still enough light to make the sky-scrapers look like they are glowing. Still, it is dark enough that the glow of the city lights is strong. That's when it came. The moon that is. It rose right between the sky-scrapers of Boston and Back Bay. It was enormous and yellow. It was a truly ethereal experience.


For pictures go to
Ju's blog.



Kylee said...

I'm sad I missed the moon in the sailboat with ya'all. Man, look at our lives...who lives like us--really?

Anonymous said...

Wow. That sounds like a pretty increible experience. And to be in the company of such fabulous people, you are one lucky dude.

Tang Tang said...

I agree...sounds absolutely fa-a-bulous! (come on, you KNOW how I'm saying that.) God bless the moon, God bless you good people. Great haircut, too, by the way. You look fa-a-bulous.