
420 dude

So I've decided to rant about one of my pet peeves. Evites. I think I'll just take an excerpt from a chat that Mary and I were having. (If you don't know Mary you should). I happened to find out a few things about Mary I really shouldn't share. But you guys can keep it on the DL I'm sure. H'enyway:


Webster: oh hey I gotta go
me: What is it 4:20, or something?
Oh, it is 4:20. How crazy is that. Only 2 more hours of work. Wait....
Webster: blush
me: I've heard rumors about you lately.
Webster: oh really? in regards to?
me: 4:20
Webster: not true
completely unfounded
me: Ok?
Webster: hee hee
me: So it's true??????? :)
Webster: aye me not sure how to respond
me: Ok. No need to. Akward.
Webster: hahahaaa! no!
me: cricket cricket
Webster: hahahaaaa! no it's just that I.....
me: Ahhhhh
Webster: but i don't want anyone to know, you know?
me: I do. I do. That's probably for the best.
Webster: yeah
me: Ok....so....mental note....don't go with Mary to the Bob Marley revival she invited me to.... Got it.
Webster: you would love it
me: ;)
Webster: who is andrew jeans?
me: ???
Webster: i just got an evite from him dunno him
me: Me neither. ps. I have a pet peeve with evites.
Webster: actually, i'm not sure. he appears to live in NH. Rural NH. what's the peeve?
me: The fact that they know EVERYTHING.
Webster: hahaaaa!
me: First they know that you got the email with the evite. Then they know if you opened the email with the evite.
Webster: lol
me: Then they know if you opened the email and clicked on the link to the evite. And they know if you checked who's coming. And they know if you respond or not.
Webster: it's a little big brother, i feel ya
me: It's never ending.
Webster: evite was originally created for the FBI
me: "So why haven't you opened my evite?"
"So why didn't you respond to my evite?"
Webster: i'm hearing seinfeld use this
me: He should. Maybe I should email him....
Webster: def initely


ju said...

maybe you should evite seinfeld to this conversation...

Mary said...


Kylee said...
