
daily lines from the old man

A couple of lines from Roger this morning (to be read with a Boston townie accent):

"This year I'm takin' every friday off. Next year I'm gonna take fridays and mondays. I mean wha-do-I have to worry about. As long as you are here I know my stocks will continue to soar. You're on the cuttin' edge of technology ma' boy."

"How are things with the ladies ma' boy? You're too nice, that's the probelm. They're takin' advantage of ya. You gotta stop this, put your foot down, dig in your heals. The women like it when you're nasty."


Kylee said...

He's right about the too nice thing and that is why you can stop the girls from falling in love with you....beware!

Tang Tang said...

Man, I love that guy; I really do. When's the next company BBQ? I'll crash it just to meet him.

ju said...

So, is Roger single?

Just asking...

Seth said...


Roger is single. He does have a girlfriend but his philosophy on women goes kinda like this, "Single women try harder. They now that for every one of me there's 5 a them...and it's not getting any better. If they want me, they gotta be at the top of their game. When I go out, these women are fightin' over me. So why am I gonna get married. Have I ever told you about the 3 rings of marriage. There's the engagement ring, the wedding ring and........the suffering."

ju said...

Cocky, sexist, and non-commital? Sounds like my kind of guy!

Sign me up!