
England I

Ok, I didn't even bring a camera on this trip. I'm not big into that. I feel like we spend more time trying to document a moment that never really happens because we are trying to document it. It cuts into the real experience. Another reason that I didn't bring one is that I'm on my own and I tend to think that what makes pictures special is the people. Now I'm narcissistic so I'm not into pictures of just me. And lastly, I don't own a camera. So I've taken a few pics on my phone and those will have to suffice.

So far I've seen an array of London sights but here are a couple of highlight events:

1 - Wedding
My friends wedding was beautiful and the sealing was...no word to describe...I don't want to trivialize it by using words like 'special' or 'moving'.

2 - Lincoln
This is where I lived as a kid and stayed with my grandparents for a whole summer when I was 12. I was surprised how well I remembered the place. And the Lincoln Cathedral is beautiful. Then there were the family visits. Way better than I expected. This bit of the trip is really worth a whole blog. Might do that later.

3 - Wimbledon
That's right. Wimbledon. I saw several matches and ate strawberries and cream. I even got on Centre Court to see Nadal (number 2 seed) play. It was magical. After it all I met a family friend, 90 year old Dennis. We went and ate at a pub.

4 - Wicked
Yeah I was really surprised by this. I was kinda like...there's a decently priced ticket...people rave...not too excited about musicals right now...I'll go. It was amazing!!! So worth it. The girl who played the wicked witch of the west was so rock amazing. Drew you right in. You loved her right from the start. She brought down the house with her voice. Gave me goose-bumps like 3 or 4 times. Yeah. Loved it. Loved it. Loved it.

Much more to come. I've still got 3 more days in London but I think that Wimbledon and Wicked will be hard to beat. Not to mention Westminster and St. Paul's.


Lady Bills said...

for the love of pete why didn't you take me with you???

this sounds like one of the best trips ever and i am so glad you've been having a good time... but really seth, come home already- you are so very missed!

Linda said...

one day I will go to wimbledon...I'm so jealous!! sounds amazing, but I do hope to see you back here soon.

Mooney said...

I may have an iPhone but you're in effing England. Jealous.

spoonfulL said...

i love that you loved wicked. it's good to be surprised, right?

Linda said...

are you back yet?

Lady Bills said...

you can't title your post ENGLAND I and then never follow up with a second or a third... that's like naming something "the first annual_____" and then never have a second one. and for the record, it's not okay to name something the "first annual" because it's redundant... the first one is the first one. i'm done now... just blog already!

Seth said...

Lay off DemPeg Brat head!!!! You're so demanding

spoonfulL said...

listen, peggy's right. give us england bloody II already, lazybloggerpants.

Rachel said...

I can't believe I'm still checking your blog to see if you've updated...boring, boring, boring. Your hair grows faster than your blog! Get on it!